
Prospective participants must submit 3 PDF documents:
1) copy of the PhD thesis (max 15 Mb);
2) a 1-page summary highlighting major novelty, contribution and impact (please include the name and affiliation of your PhD supervisors);
3) a 2-pages 
(or less) short CV including a list of publications related to the PhD work.

The PDF files should be named as follows:
1) YourFamilyName_YourUniversityShortName_THESIS.pdf;
2) YourFamilyName_YourUniversityShortName_SUMMARY.pdf;
3) YourFamilyName_YourUniversityShortName_CV.pdf.

YourFamilyName should be written without spaces (if composed by more than one word) and without special characters.
YourUniversityShortName should be an abbreviation or acronym, or anyway the shortest name that makes sense (ask your supervisor if you have no idea!).
For example, if your name is "Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle" and your university is "University College London", your file should be deGaulle_UCL_THESIS.pdf; if your name is "Mike O'Leary" and your university is "University of Birminghamyour file should be oLeary_BHAM_THESIS.pdf.

The PDF files must be sent through email to both <> and <> (i.e. one single email, with two recipients), with subject: [QMUL_Robot_Award] YearOfPhD YourFamilyName YourUniversityShortName.